错误码 errCode
code | 错误码 | 错误描述 |
0 | PingppErrInvalidCharge | "Not a valid charge object" = "Charge 对象格式不正确"; |
1 | PingppErrInvalidCredential | "Charge does not contain a valid credential" = "Charge 对象没有包含正确的 credential"; |
2 | PingppErrInvalidChannel | "No such channel" = "不支持该渠道"; |
3 | PingppErrWxNotInstalled | "WeChat is not installed" = "未安装微信客户端"; |
4 | PingppErrWxAppNotSupported | "Current version of WeChat app does not support payment" = "当前微信客户端不支持支付接口"; |
5 | PingppErrCancelled | "User cancelled the operation" = "用户取消操作"; |
6 | PingppErrViewControllerIsNil | "ViewController is nil" = "缺少参数 viewController"; |
7 | PingppErrTestmodeNotifyFailed | "Notify request failed in testmode" = "测试模式异步通知结果失败"; |
8 | PingppErrChannelReturnFail | "Channel returns failure" = "支付渠道返回失败"; |
9 | PingppErrConnectionError | "Network connection error" = "网络连接失败"; |
10 | PingppErrUnknownError | "Unknown error" = "未知错误"; |
result 值
下一篇 银联支付报错:交易失败 [9100004]Signature verification failed是什么原因?